Wednesday, March 16, 2022

EMF and Cancer. Analysis of Bibliographies of 3 Major Utilities Linking EMF to Cancer. Original 10 August 1990. by Jorma Jyrkkanen

EMF and Cancer. Analysis of Bibliographies of 3 Major Utilities EMF and Cancer Bibliography by Jorma Jyrkkanen
April 20, 2009 EMF CARCINOGENICITY DIALOG DATA BASE. COMPILED/DISCUSSED BY J. JYRKKANEN. 10 AUG 1990.(Pre-1990) INTRODUCTIO It has been assumed by the General Public for a long time that all of thewonderful gifts of modern society which electrical power has provided are free from negative effects. The references which I have compiled on cancer alone, suggests that living with this assumption is a Fool’s Paradise. The challenge is to sift through this material for the heart of the matter, the absolute truth to a moderate degree of confidence, and to Act According to the Data, and in a way which considers all of the previously hidden costs associated with this gift. It is time to look the Gift Horse in the mouth, and to see if in fact that Horse hasn’t been harbouring some nasty parasites transmissable to humans. Most helpful, were the original articles reported in the Bonneville Power sources and the BC Hydro references. It is quite likely that Power Utility funded studies will be biased in dealing with this issue, so keep in mind that these references will also be biased. Check the funding source! I have tried to cite predominantly original articles as much as possible, by the original Authors however, and have listed articles dealing with, leukemia, brain cancers, general cancers, developmental effects, cellular effects, genetic effects, immunological effects since these increase cancer probability, and articles of special interest. I tried to sample as diverse a topic range as possible as long as it pertained to carcinogenicity. Hence, the material isn’t exhaustive, but it should help us to answer some fundamental questions; ex. Does field exposure cause cancers, promote them; Who is affected by which ones; and what is the collective mortality resulting from it? The findings will certainly increase our fear and anxiety, and we should look at this not as a negative effect, but as a motivator for action. Already, my Electrical Engineer Friend, Kelly Kline, has recommended wrapping the ground wire around the two hot wires to enclose the field, to reduce the range of this impact. I have already started throwing unessential circuit breakers at night to reduce nocturnal field exposure. Much more can be done. I am sure that many other practical ideas will emerge from open and honest deliberation of this controversial and topical issue. I will be trying to compile abstracts on all of these references and to obtain the originals subject to time and funding and look forward to new additions from the Readers. Please send me your Cancer References if they do not appear on my list and I will include them. OF:Cancer.EMF REFERENCES WITH A BEARING ON THE ROLE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS IN CAUSING AND PROMOTING CANCERS; OF VALUE IN IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION OF HARMFUL EFFECTS OF HYDROELECTRIC DEVELOPMENTS AND DOMESTIC ELECTRICITY USEAGE. SORTED ALPHABETICALLY Adey, W.R. 1987. Cell membranes, electromagnetic fields and CANCER PROMOTIONœ. American Chemical Society. 195.:153. (Abst) Adey, W.R. 1988. Cell membranes: the electromagnetic environment and CANCER PROMOTION. Neurochemical Research. 13:671(c)677. [Use of weak electromagnetic fields to study the sequence and energetics of events that couple humoral stimuli from surface receptor sites to the cell interior has identified cell membranes as a primary site of interaction with these low frequency fields. Field modulation of cell surface chemical events indicates a major amplification of initial weak triggers associated with binding of hormones, antibodies and neurotransmitters to their specific binding sites. Calcium ions play a key role in this stimulus amplification, probably through highly cooperative alterations in binding to surface glycoproteins, with spreading waves of altered calcium binding across the membrane surface. Protein particles spanning the cell membrane form pathways for signalling and energy transfer. Fields millions of times weaker than the membrane potential gradient of 10^5 V/cm, modulate cell responses to surface stimulating molecules. The evidence supports nonlinear, nonequilibrium processes at critical steps in membrane signal coupling. Powerful cancer(c)promoting Phorbol Esters act at cell membranes to stimulate ornithine decarboxylase which is essential for cell growth and DNA synthesis. This response is enhanced by weak microwave fields, also acting at cell membranes.] Adey, W.R. 1988. Electromagnetic fields, cell membrane amplification and CANCER PROMOTION. Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiations and Ultrasound. Proceedings of the Twenty(c)Second Annual Meeting. April 2(c)3. 1986. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, Bethesda, MD, 80(c)110. Adey, W.R. 1988. Joint Actions of the environmental nonionizing electromagnetic fields and chemical pollution in CANCER PROMOTION. Adey, W. Ross. 1989. Electromagnetic Fields, Cell Membranes Amplification, and CANCER PROMOTIONœ. Battelle Press. Ahlbom, A. 1988. A REVIEWœ of the EPIDEMIOLOGICALœ literature on magnetic fields and cancer. Scand. J. Work and Environ. Health 14: 337(c)343. Ames, B.N. et al. 1973. CARCINOGENS ARE MUTAGENSœ: A simple test system combining liver homogenates for activation and bacteria for detection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA. 70:2281(c)2285). Anderson, L. E., F.C. Leung, D.N. Rommereim, R.L. Buschbom, B.W. Wilson and R.G. Stevens. Effect of chronic 60(c)hz electric field exposure on MAMMARY TUMORIGENESISœ in the rat. (Submitted to Cancer Research). Batt. Batkin, S., F.L. Tabrah. 1977. Effects of alternating magnetic field (12 Gauss) on transplanted NEUROBLASTOMAœ. Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology. 16:351ª362. Feb. [30 expt’l mice with transplanted neuroblastoma tumors and 30 control mice exposed to 12 Gauss, 60 hz magnetic field for 16 days, starting 3 days post transplant resulted in (a) early slowing of tumor growth, (b) more free blood cells in the tumor areas and (c) a tendency to focal tumor cell destruction suggesting that a small alternating magnetic field may affect transplanted tumor growth.] Bauchinger, M., R. Hauf, E. Schmid, J. Dresp. 1981. Analysis of structural CHROMOSOME CHANGESœ and SCE after occupational long term exposure to electric and magnetic fields from 380 kVªsystems. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics. 19:235(c)238. [Chromosome anaylses were carried out in periferal somatic lymphocytes of 32 workers occupationally exposed for more than 20 years to 50 hz ac and magnetic fields in 380 kv switchyards as compared to 22 workers of similar age and occupation but without field exposure; neither yields of structural chromosome changes nor the SCE frequencies were increased; my comments(c)problem is that carcinogenic genetic defects may not be accompanied by gross chromosomal defects; Author fails to measure or estimate exposure determinations in treatment and control groups for field strength or orientation; small sample size.] Benz, R.D., A.L. Carsten, J.W Baum, A.V. Kuehner. 1987. MUTAGENICITYœ and toxicity of 60 hz magnetic and electric fields. (Final Report). New York State Power Lines Project: Albany, NY. Berry, G., M. Newhouse, P. Antonio. 1985. COMBINED EFFECTSœ of asbestos and smoking on mortality from LUNG CANCERœ and mesothelioma in factory workers. British Journal of Industrial Medicine. 42:12(c)18. Bowman, J.D. et al. 1988. Exposures to extremely low frequency (ELF) Electromagnetic Fields in Occupations with Elevated LEUKEMIAœ. Applied Industrial Hygeine 3(6):189(c)193. Broadbent, D. Broadbent, M., J. Male, M. Jones. 1985. HEALTHœ of Workers Exposed to Electric Fields. British Journal of Industrial Medicine. 42:75(c)84. Brown, H.D. and S.K. Chattopadhyay. 1988. Electromagnetic Field and CANCERœ. Cancer Biochemistry Biophysics. 9:295(c)342. Byus, C., W.R. Adey. 1987. The effects of low energy 60 Hz environmental electromagnetic fields on growth related enzyme ornithine decarboxylase: Possible relation to TUMOR PROMOTIONœ. DOE/EPRI Contractor’s Review Meeting, Kansas City, MO, November. Calle, E.E., and D.A. Savitz. 1985. LEUKEMIAœ in Occupational Groups with Presumed Exposure to Electric and Magnetic Fields. New England Journal of Medicine. 313(23):1476(c)77. Bonn. Cantor, K.P. et al. 1988. Hair Dye Use and Risk of LEUKEMIAœ and LYMPHOMAœ. American Public Health. 78(5):570(c)571. Chandra, S. S. Stafani. 1979. Effect of constant and alternating magnetic fields on TUMOR CELLSœ in vitro and in vivo, In: Biological Effects of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagneitc Fields. Proceeding of the Eighteenth Annual Hanford Life Sciences Symposium, October 16(c)18, 1978, Richland, WA,… Pacific Northwest Laboratories. Clayden, A.D. and A. Myers. 1988. CHILDHOOD CANCERœ and Overhead Power Lines: A Case Control Study in the UK. Project Resume, Contractors Review. US Dept. of Energy/Electric Power Research Institute. Cohen M.M. 1987b. Division of Human Genetics in: The effects of low level electromagnetic fields on cloning of two HUMAN CANCERœ cell lines (Colo 205 and Colo 320). Final Report. New york State Power Lines Project: Albany, NY. Cohen, M.M. et al. 1984. Cytogenic effects of electromagnetic fields on human LYMPHOID CELLSœ. DOE/EPRI/NYDH contractor’s Review Meeting. St. Louis, MO Cohen M.M., et al. 1986. Effect of low level 60 Hz electromagnetic fields on human lymphoid cells: I. MITOTIC RATEœ and CHROMOSOME BREAKAGEœ in human peripheral lymphocytes. Bioelectromagnetics. 7:415(c)423.[Dividing human periferal lymphocytes from 5 males and five females were exposed in vitro to low level 60 hz emf (0.25 V/m) for 69 hrs at a current density of 1 or 2 Gauss. Cytological endpoints measured were mitotic rate and chromosome breakage. No statistically significant differences, indicative of (these specific) field effects, were observed between treated and control cells exposed to this electric field, this magnetic field, or to various combinations of the two. My critique: Windowing effect not looked for is major critique; other cell types ignored; statistical significance was approached for chromosome breaks in a suggestive trend; and small sample size was a serious problem for statistical reasons; as is lack of search for other indicators of genetic damage.] Cole, P. 1988. An EPIDEMIOLOGICœ Perspective on Electromagnetic Fields and CANCERœ; Testimony by Philip Cole, MD, DrPH. Pages 122ª123 In Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources. Health Effects of Transmission Lines. Oversight Hearing. Serial No. 100(c)22. Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office. Washington D.C. Coleman, M. et al. 1989. Extremely low frequency electric and magnetic fields and Human CANCER RISKœ. Bioelectromagnetics. (In Press.) Coleman, M. et al. 1985. LEUKEMIAœ and Electromagnetic Fields: A Case Control Study. Pages 122(c)125, In International Conference on Electric and Magnetic Fields in Medicine and Biology. Institution of Electrical Engineers. London and New York. [Three out of four case(c)control studies have shown a two to three fold increase in cancer risk, particularily leukemia and especially acute myeloid leukemia, in persons whose home was close to electricity power lines and supply equipment; 769 cases, 1436 controls; Relative Risk of leukemia was 1.31 or 31% higher than expected.] Coleman, M., J. Bell, and R. Skeet. 1983. LEUKEMIAœ incidence in electrical Workers. Lancet 1:982(c)983. [Excesses of acute lymphoid leukemia, chronic lymphoid, and acute myeloid showed 46%, 29% and 23% excesses in electrical occupations; social class made no difference.] Coleman, M. and V. Beral. 1988. A review of EPIDEMIOLOGICALœ Studies of Health Effects of Living Near or Working with Electricity Generation and Transmission Equipment. International Journal of Epidemiology. 17(1):1(c)13. Coleman, M.P, C.M. Bell, H.L. Taylor, M. Primic(c)Zakelj. 1989. LEUKAEMIAœ and residence near electricity transmission equipment: a case(c)control study. Br. J. Cancer (England) 60 (5):793(c)798. Nov. Committee on BIOLOGICAL EFFECTSœ of Electromagnetic Fields. 1987. Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields. (English Translation) The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Stockholm Sweden. Czerski, P. 1988a. Extremely low frequency (ELF) Electric Fields; Biological Effects and Health RISKœ Assessment. Pages 255(c)271, in M.H. Rapacholi (ed). Non Ionizing Radiations: Physical Characterisitics, Biological Effects and Health Hazard Assessment. International Radiation Protection Association. Australian Radiation Laboratory. Yallambie, Victoria, Australia. Davis, Robert L., M.D. and Milham, Samual, Jr. M.D., M.P.H.. 1990. Altered IMMUNE STATUS œin Aluminum Reduction Plant Workers. American Journal of Epidemiology. (In Press at PROTECT). D’Ambrosio, G.D., et al. 1985. CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONS induced by ELF electric Fields. Journal of Bioelectricity. 4:279(c)284. [Bovine lymphocytes in McCoy culture medium and autologous plasma were exposed to 50 hz 2.4 uA/cm^2 current density. Chromosomal aberrations, breaks 45.4%, aneuploidy 2.7%, polyploidy 17.3%, deletions 1.8%, fragments 19.1% (mostly centromeric), were significantly increased in exposed cultures. Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) were unchanged.] Delgado, J.M.R. et al. 1982. EMBRYOLOGICAL CHANGES Induced by Weak, Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (ELMF). Journal of Anatomy. 134(3):533(c)551. [Fertilized chicken eggs were incubated for 48 hrs while exposed to ELMF of 10 hz, 100 hz and 1000 hz with intensities of 0.12, 1.2 and 12 microtesla (ut); ELMF of 100 hz/1.2 ut had the most consistent and powerful inhibitory effect on embryogenesis (development). Development of embryos was reduced to formation of three primitive layers; Brain vesicles, auditory pit, neural tube, foregut, heart; vessels and (muscle) somites were not developed. Glycosaminglycans, a chemical essential for cell migration, were almost absent; There was a window effect because embryos exposed to higher and lower levels than 100 hz/1.2 ut, were more developed; different organs reacted with different intensities to ELMF of specific frequencies and intensities with the CNS being most sensitive and the heart being the least; ELMF is used by the Soviets (and USA???) for communication with Atomic submarines.] œDlugosz, L. 1987. Electrically Heated Beds and CONGENITAL DEFECTSœ. Project Resume. Contractor’s Review. US Dept. Energy/ Electric Power Research Insititute. Doll, R, R. Peto. 1981. The CAUSES OF CANCER. Journal of National Cancer Institute. 66:1191(c)1308. Douglas J. 1984. Electromagnetic Fields and Human HEALTHœ. EPRI Journal 9(6):14(c)21. Fisher, P.B. 1984. Enhancement of viral transormation and expression of the transformed phenotype by TUMOR PROMOTERS, In: CRC Mechanisms of Tumor Promotion. Volume III. Tumor promotion and carcinogenesis in vitro; Siaga, T.J. (Ed), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 58(c)123. Fletcher, W.H., Shiu, W.W., Ishida, T.A., and W.R. Adey. 1987. A Modulated microwave field and tumor PROMOTERS may inhibit cell wall communication and cause an increased sensitivity to cytotoxic lymphokines and tumor necrosis factor. DOE/EPRI Contractor’s Review Meeting on Biological Effects from Electric and Magnetic Fields, Air Ions and Ion Currents Associated with High Voltage Transmission Lines. Kansas City, MO, November 1(c)4, 1987. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. 1987 (Abst) Flodin, U. et al. 1986. Background Radiation, Electrical Work and Some Other Exposures Associated with ACUTE MYELOID LEUKEMIA in a Case Referent Study. Archives of Environmental Health 41:77(c)84. Florig, H.K., J.F. Hoburg, and M.G. Morgan. 1987. Electric Field EXPOSURE From Electric Blankets. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. PWRD(c)2(2):527(c)536. Florig, K.H. and J.. Hoburg. 1988. Electric and Magnetic Field EXPOSURE Associated with Electric Blankets. Project Resume. Contractor’s Review. US Dept. Energy/Electric Power Research Institute. Fulton, J.P., S. Cobb, L. Preble, L. Leone, and E. Forman. 1980. Electrical Wiring Configuration and CHILDHOOD LEUKEMIA in Rhode Island. American Journal of Epidemiology 111:292(c)296. [The Authors found no evidence of a relationship between childhood leukemia and electric powerline configurations. The Authors conclude that if a relationship exists, it must be small. Cited in Bonneville Review(c)1989. ] Gallagher, R.P. et al. 1985. Risk Factors for Ocular Melanoma: Western Canada MELANOMA STUDY. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 74(4):775(c)778. Gilman, P.A., R.G. Ames, and M.A. McCawley. 1985. LEUKEMIA RISK Among US White Male Coal Miners. Journal of Occupational Medicine 27(9):669(c)671. Goodman, R., Henderson, A.S. 1988. Exposure of salivary gland cells to low frequency electromagnetic fields ALTERS POLYPEPTIDE SYNTHESISœ. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 85:3928(c)3932. June. [The results of 1.5(c)72 hz emf signal exposure of Sciara coprophila salivary gland cells showed that electromagnetic signals with diverse waveform characterisitics and shapes caused the appearance of previously undetected polypeptides, some of which are signal specific and altered synthesis on other polypeptides from that seen in control cells. This study resulted from their earlier discovery that transcription occurs after short exposures of these cells to several EMF signals. My comm; these are significant fundamental induced gene expression changes and the generality or nonª generality of them should be of great importance to all.] Goodman, R., Wei LX, Xu JC, Henderson, A. 1989. Exposure of human cells to low frequency electromagnetic fields results in QUANTITATIVE CHANGES IN TRANSCRIPTSœ. Biochem Biophys Acta (Netherlands) 1009(3):216(c)20. Dec. 22. Greenebaum, B. E.M. Goodman, M.T. Marron. 1982. Magnetic field effects on MITOTIC CYCLEœ length in Physarum. European Journal of Cell Biology 27:156(c)60. [Large plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum were formed from mixtures of micro(c)plasmodia grown in shaker cultures exposed to 2 Gauss, 75 hz magnetic fields and nonªexposed control cultures. The exposed cultures had been grown continuously in the field and displayed a longer mitotic cycle than the controls. Mixed cultures of exposed and non(c)exposed displayed synchronous mitosis and a cycle length intermediate to the cycle length of exposed and controls. My comm; Magnetic field exposure can change the cycle length of mitotic cells of Physarum macro(c)plasmodia.] Gurvich, E.B., Novokhatskaia, E.A. 1989. {Russian} The potential hazard for development of LEUKEMIA œfrom exposure to electromagnetic radiation (A lit. Review). Gig Tr Prof Zabol (USSR) (10):37(c)8. Harvey, E.B. et al. 1985. Prenatal X(c)Ray Exposure and CHILDHOOD CANCERœ in Twins. New England Journal of Medicine 312(9):541(c)545. [Case control study of over 32000 twins in Conneticut from 1930ª1969; leukemia determined in 31 cases, matched to four twin controls; pre(c)natal X(c)ray exposure impact determined; Relative Risk=2.4, 95% CI=(1.0(c)5.9); evidence suggests that low dose preªnatal X(c)rays are causal of childhood leukemia and may increase the risk of leukemia. Other cancers had an RR=3.2(0.9(c)10.7); agrees with two other studies(c)eg: Stewart et al. (1958) Br. Med. J. 1:1495(c)508 and MacMahon and Hutchison (1964), JNCI 28:1173(c)91] Huff, J.E., et al. 1988. CARCINOGENESIS Studies: Results of 398 Experiments on 104 Chemicals from the U.S. National Toxicology Program. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Maltoni, C. and I.J. Selikoff, (Eds). 534:1(c)30. IARC. 1987. Monograph on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic RISKSœ to Humans. Supplement 7. International Agency on Research on Cancer (IARC). World Health Organization.IARC. 1990. Extremely Low (c) Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields and Risk of Human Cancer. Bioelectromagnetics 11:91(c)99. WileyªLiss, Inc. [The reported association between risk of human cancer and exposure to 50 hz and 60 hz electric and magnetic fields is difficult to evaluate from studies published to date [mostly due to poor exposure data]. Human exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF, 30(c)300 hz) electric and magnetic fields has recently been suspected of increasing the risk of cancer and leukemia(c)in particular, acute myeloid leukemia (AML)(c)but the evidence remains inconclusive [Sheikh, 1986; Savitz and Calle, 1987; Aldrich and Easterly, 1987; Coleman and Beral, 1988] {My comm: The complete 1988 studies in retrospect add much more conclusiveness because of concurrence with other carcinogenicity findings.}. Animal studies have been reviewed elsewhere [WHO, 1987]. A number of epidemiological studies of men likely to have been occupationally exposed to ELF fields has shown an excess of leukemia morbidity or mortality, particularily for AML. The overall excess appears small, on the order of 20% for all leukemias and 45% for AML. …The consistency of the results in several countries and with different occupational groups and study designs is nevertheless notable, and though most used proportional measures, the excesses observed are not likely to be artifactual. …Most studies show an increase in all types of childhood malignancy, although no consistent increase is seen for any particular type of cancer [My comm: This variability could be due to geographic variability of confounding cofactors interacting synergisitcally with EMF]…The public health importance of even a small risk (Relative risk around 1.5(c)2.0) may be substantial, in view of the ubiquity of human exposure. On the basis of one study in Denver [Savitz et al. 1988], it has been estimated that if the observed associations are causal, 10% to 15% of all childhood cancers may be attributable to magnetic fields [Ahlbom et al., 1987] …If ELF fields do have a role in carcinogenesis, there is some evidence that they are more likely to act as PROMOTERS late in the carcinogenesis process [Byus et al., 1987] My comm: The evidence I review in this bibliography leaves little doubt that ELF is involved in carcinogenesis in some capacity at least. Confounding factors cited include ionizing radiation, socioeconomic status, and benzene. PCB exposure was mentioned. My comm: PCB’s have been suggested to impact on the Immune system (IARC, 1978, Monograph Series, No. 18) which may explain part of its role in carcinogenesis since the Immune system is characteristically depressed during cancer development. Autopsy of 73 of those with the highest levels of PCB’s in Finland revealed one leukemia [Hattula et al. 1976. Chlorinated hydrocarbon residues in human liver, adipose tissue and brain in Finland. Acta. Pharmacol. Toxicol. (39):545(c)554.] in a very high incidence but a small sample size. PCB exposure, produced in pulp mills, and used in oils and capacitors in past years, is perhaps as omnipresent today as EMF exposure and shouldn’t be ruled out as a cofactor.Leukemia has also been shown to be linked to pesticide use in the home and garden, viruses in cattle and chickens and otheranimals. This opens the question; Is there a virus(c)EMF(c)chemical synergism or interaction?] IERE (Int. Electr. Res. Exchange Work. Group) 1988. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIESœ Relating Human Health to Electric and Magnetic Fields: Criteria for Evaluation. (IERE). Electric Power Research Institute. Palo Alto, CA. Johnson, C.C., M.R. Spitz. 1989. Childhood NERVOUS SYSTEM TUMOURSœ: an assessment of risk associated with paternal occupations involving use, repair or manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment. Int. J. Epidemiology (England). 18(4):756(c)762. Dec. Juutilainen, J. et al. 1988. Results of EPIDEMIOLOGICAL CANCER STUDYœ Among Electrical Workers in Finland. Journal of Bioelectricity 7(1):119(c)121. [Refers to his studies on chick embryos exposed to low frequency magnetic fields showing negative effects on embryonal development and presents hypothesis that the LFMF’s effects on growth and cell division could be the bases of both teratogenic effects and prmotion of cancer. Finnish cancer registry data and Central Statisitical Office data compared cancer incidence of men employed in electrical occpations to that of all Finnish males. Similar socio(c)economic group used as control. The combined incidence of leukemia was highest for linemen and cable joiners (ratio observed to expected =3.13), while combined risk ratio was 1.23 for all electrical trades. Both linemen and cable joiners are exposed to the strongest EMF exposure. My comm: This group may also be exposed to fumes from burning wires; ex; mirex, kepone, PVC’s which could be confounding carcinogens.] Kishi, R., H. Miyake. 1989. [Association between parental occupational exposure and childhood MALIGNANCYœ]. (Review) œ Sangyo Igaku. 31 (3):121(c)35. May. Knave, B. 1981. A Prospective Investigation into Health RISKSœ Associated with Work on the Generation and Distribution of Electric Power. Paper 233(c)09, in CIGRE Symposium on Transmission Lines and the Environment. June 23(c)25. Stockholm, Sweden. Knave, B. et al.1979. Long Term Exposure to Electric Fields: A Cross Sectional EPIDEMIOLOGICALœ Investigation on Occupationally Exposed High Voltage Substation Workers. Scand. J. Work and Environ. Health 5:115(c)125. [53 workers exposed to up to 20 kv/m electric fields for more than five years in 400 kv substations were matched to 53 non(c)exposed (220(c)380 volt exposures) in same power companies for age, geographic location, and employment time;parameters measured were health of CNS, cardiovascular and hematological, psychological, fertility; no difference detected but, it was noted that fewer boys were born to high exposed group (p=.008); Russian and Spanish studies not supported by this study. My comment: Actual exposures experienced by subjects should have been collected to prove that controls were in fact getting less exposure.] Leung, F.C., L.R. Bohn, R.G. Stevens, L.E. Anderson. 1987. Effects of electric fields on development of rat MAMMARY TUMORœ induced by 7,12(c)dimethylbenze(a)anthracene (DBMA)(c)II. DOE/EPRI /Contractors Review Meeting, Kansas City, MO. November 2(c)5, 1987. (Abst) [Effects of chronic electric field 60 hz 40 kv/m or light exposure by female rats initiated with DMBA. Three groups of 75 rats 9 days into gestation compared; (1). Field exposed, (2) Sham exposed, (3) Sham exposure under constant light; Seventy five female pups kept per group and at age 54 days, administered DMBA via intragastric injection; at 18 weeks post DMBA there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in mammary tumor frequency between rats exposed to constant light and electric fields and a suggestion of a difference between those field exposed and sham exposed (p=.01). Serum prolactin levels were significantly elevated between electric field and constant light exposed as compared to controls. My comment: What does this mean?] Liboff, A.R. and W.D. Winters. 1988. Relative response to ELF magnetic fields in MALIGNANTœ and normal cell cultures. Transactions of the Eigth Annual Meeting of the Bioelectrical Repair and Growth Society, Toronto, Ontario Canada, Oct. 9(c)12. Lin, Ruey. S. et al. 1985. Occupational Exposure of Electromagnetic Fields and Occurrence of BRAIN TUMORSœ. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 27(6):413(c)419. [Epidemiological study of death certificates of 951 white Maryland male residents who died of brain tumor between 1969(c)1982. Compared to controls, those in electricity related occupations such as electrician, electric or electronic engineer, and utility company serviceman, were found to experience a significantly higher proportion of primary brain tumors. An increase in the ODDs ratio was found to be positively related to EM field exposure. The mean age at death was found to be significantly younger among cases in the presumed high EM exposure group. These findings suggest that EM exposure may be associated with the pathogenesis of brain tumors, particularily in the promoting stage.] Lindsay, J.P. and G.R. Howe. 1986. A System for Monitoring CANCER MORTALITYœ in a Ten Percent Sample of the Canadian Labour Force. Pages 37(c)45. in Proceedings, A Workshop on Computorized Record Linkage in Health Research. University of Toronto Press. Toronto, Ontario Canada. [Mortality experience of the 1965(c)1971 cohort of 10 % of the Canadian labour force where occupational histories were available. SMR’s were computed for various occupational and industry categories for all causes of death combined, all cancer deaths, and for all deaths according to 33 cancer categories. Data used was from 435316 males of whom 41196 had died by the end of 1979. Procedures to assess socio(c)economic related life(c)style effects were incorporated. Canadian Linemen have high rates of leukemia (SMR=2.43) and non(c)Hodgkin’s lymphoma (SMR=2.79).] Linet, M.S. et al, 1988. LEUKEMIASœ and Occupation in Sweden; A Registry Based Analysis. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 14:319(c)330. [A linked registry was used to examine systematically, on a national bases, the leukemia incidence in Swedish men by industry and occupation. New associations were observed for chronic lymphocytic leukemia among cloth and pattern cutters and for chronic myelocytic leukemia among brewery workers and motor mechanics. A number of additional findings were consistent with previous observations in other countries (The Authors found significantly increased risk of chronic lymphocytic leukemia amongst electrical(c)line workers whereas previous studies have tended to suggest excess ANLL (acute non(c)lymphocytic leukemia). Although etiologic inferences are limited when using registry data, this hypothesis(c)generating study may provide new clues to the occupational determinants of specific forms of leukemia. The Authors suggest that confounding variables like solvents and chemicals such creosote, lead, isocyanates and silicon (tornquist et al. 1986) may play a role in etiology.] Livingston, G.K. 1984. The REPRODUCTIVE INTEGRITYœ of mammalian cells exposed to 60 Hz electromagnetic fields. DOE/EPRI/NYDH Contractor’s Review Meeting, St. Louis (Abst) [In vitro exposure of human lymphocytes (72 hrs) and animal fibroblasts (24 hrs) to emf elliptically polarized magnetic field intensity of 2.2 Gauss 36 deg. out of phase with the electric field and to current densities of 3, 30, 300,and 3000 uA/cm^2 for the cell growth trials. Endpoints looked for were standard cytogenetic mutagenicity assays(c)sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) and micronuclei; and cell proliferation, growth, DNA content, and reproductive integrity. There was no observed effect for SCE, no observed inducement of micronuclei, no change in rate of cell doubling or plateau cell density. However, when CHO cells were labelled with 5(c)bromodeoxyuridine and division is blocked at metaphase with Colcemid which interrupts microtubule development for the SCE studies, a smaller fraction of cells accumulated in the G2(c)m region of the DNA histogram for exposed cells, an observation that is consistent with a 1(c)2 hour cell(c)cycle delay. A possible methodological reason for the observation was offered. The authors conclude that 60 hz emf have no effect on these parameters in mammalian cells. My critique is that phase orientation and magnetic field intensity was too constrained to simulate reality, and other parameters of genetic damage were not looked at, and cell types, developmental stages and species looked at were too few to draw such a general conclusion.] Lyle, D.B., R.D. Ayotte, A.R. Sheppard, W.R. Adey. 1985. Response expansion of cytotoxic lymphocytes to specific growth factor, allogenic cytotoxicity, and proliferation of MYELOID LEUKEMIAœ cell lines in the presence of ELF fields. DOE/EPRI/NYDH Contractor’s Review Meetings. November, 1985. Alexandra, VA. Marino, A.A. et al. 1980. Power Frequency Electric Field Induces BIOLOGICAL CHANGESœ in Successive Generations of Mice. Experientia. 36:309(c)311. [Three successive generations of mice raised in a low (3.5 kv/m) strength 60 hz electric field; increased mortality in each generation, and altered body weights in the third generation.] Marks, F., S. Bertsch, G. Furstenberger. 1979. Ornithine decarboxylase activity, cell proliferation and tumor PROMOTIONœ in mouse epidermis in vivo. Cancer Research. 39:4183(c)4188. [No clear cut correlation exists between epithelial cell proliferation, development of hyperplasia, and tumor promotion on the one hand and activation of epidermal ornithine decarboxylase on the other.] Matanoski, G. et al. 1988. LEUKEMIAœ in Telephone Company Employees. Project Resume. Contractor’s Review. US Dept. of Energy/Electric Power Research Institute. Matanoski, B.M., E.A. Elliott, P.N. Breysse. 1989. CANCER INCIDENCE œin New York Telephone Workers. Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, Baltimore Maryland, with cooperation of Dr. William S. Burnett and Colleagues New York Cancer Registry, Albany, NY. supported by NIEHS through Johns Hopkins Environmental Health Sciences Center, and by the Electric Power Research Institute, paper presented November. McDowall, Michael.E. 1983. LEUKEMIA MORTALITYœ in Electrical Workers in England and Wales. Lancet:246. Jan. 29 [Consistently elevated PMR’s were found for England and Wales mortality data especially for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) for electrical engineers, telegraph and radio operators, electronic engineers. In a second study, a case control study of 537 males over 15 yrs deaths in 1973 in England and Wales vs 1074 controls, Relative Risks(+95 confidence ranges) of AML of 2.3(1.4(c)3.7), 2.1(1.3ª3.6), 1.6(0.6(c)4.2), 1.8(0.7(c)4.8), 3.0(0.9(c)9.7), 4(0.8(c)17), 2(0.7ª6) for respectively all electrical occupations or telecommunications industry; all electrical occupations; Electricians and Electricians mates; Electrical and Electronics engineers; Post office and Telephone engineers; other Telecommunications engineers; Power station, substation and all electricity board occupations.] McDowall, M.E. 1986. MORTALITYœ of Persons Resident in the Vicinity of Electricity Transmission Facilities. British Journal of Cancer 53:271(c)279. [Mortality of 8000 persons living in the vicinity of electricity transmission systems was analysed and the authors conclude that the results do not support the hypothesis that EMF exposure causes cancer. However, mortality ratios for lung cancer, leukemia and other lymphatic neoplasms were elevated for women.] McLanahan, B.J. 1984. Evaluation of the MUTAGENIC POTENTIALœ of a 60 Hz electric field on germ cells of male mice. DOE/EPRI/NYDH Contractor’s Meeting, St. Louis, MO. (Abst) Milham, S. 1982. MORTALITYœ from LEUKEMIAœ in Workers Exposed to Electrical and Magnetic Fields. (Letter to the Editor). New England J. of Medicine 307(4):249. [Age and year of death standardized PMR’s were computed for all men >20 yrs old, resident in Washington dying during 1950(c)1979 in 218 occupational groups; n=438,000 deaths; in 10 of 11 occupational groups with exposure to electrical or magnetic fields, leukemia (PMR=138) and acute leukemia (PMR=163) were elevated; these findings suggest that electrical and magnetic fields may cause leukemia.] Milham, S. 1983. Occupational MORTALITYœ in Washington State 1950ª1979. U.S.Dept. of Health and Human Services. DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 83(c)249. Milham S. Jr. 1985a. MORTALITYœ in Workers Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields. Environmental Health Perspectives 62:297ª300. [Occupational mortality analysis of 486000 adult male death records in Washington State in yrs 1950(c)1982; leukemia, non(c)Hodgkin’s lymphoma show increases in occupations with intuitive exposures to electromagnetic fields; nine of 219 occupations were considered to have electric or magnetic field exposure, including electrical and electronic technicians, radio and telegraph operators, radio and TV repair men, telephone and power linemen, power station operators, welders, aluminum reduction workers, motion picture projectionists and electricians. There were 12714 deaths in these occupations. Eight of the nine occupations had PMR increases for leukemia and 7/9 had increases for the other lymphoma category. The highest PMR was for acute leukemia (PMR=162) and the other for lymphomas (PMR=164); No increase for Hodgkin’s disease or for multiple myeloma; these findings offer some support for the hypothesis that electric and magnetic fields may be carcinogenic.] Milham, S. 1985b. Silent Keys: LEUKEMIA MORTALITYœ in Amateur Radio Operators. Lancet 1:811. [A proportionate mortality ration analysis (PMR) of Washington State and California amateur radio operators was carried out on 1691 male deaths; ANALYSIS OF LEUKEMIA DEATHS IN MALE MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE RESIDENT IN WASHINGTON AND CALIFORNIA 1971(c)1983. Observed Expected PMR All causes=1691 All Leukemias 24 12.6 191(p<0.01) Lymphatic 3 3.9 77 Chronic 3 2.1 143 Myeloid 16 5.7 281(p<0.01) Acute 11 3.8 289(p<0.01) Chronic 4 1.5 267(p<0.05) Unspecified 1 0.4 250 Monocytic 0 0.4 0 Unspecified 5 2.7 185 Expected based on US white male leukemias for 1976. The findings offer some support for the hypothesis that electromagnetic fields are carcinogenic.] Milham, S. Jr. 1988. INCREASED MORTALITYœ in Amateur Radio Operators Due to LYMPHATICœ and HEMATOPOIETIC MALIGNANCIESœ. American Journal of Epidemiology 127(1):50(c)54. [Population based mortality study of Washington State and California amateur radio operators (67829 persons). 2485 deaths were located for the period Jan 1, 1979 to Dec 31, 1984 in a population which accumulated 232499 person years at risk. A statistically significant increased mortality was seen for cancers of lymphatic tissues (SMR=162), a rubric which includes multiple myeloma and non(c)Hodgkin’s lymphomas {My comm; Are dioxins implicated as confounding factors?}. The all(c)leukemia SMR was 124, trendy but not statistically significant. Mortality due to acute myeloid leukemia was significantly elevated (SMR=176).] Mitchell, J.T., Marino, A..A., Berger, T.J. Becker, R.O. 1978. Effect of electrostatic fields on the CHROMOSOMESœ of EHRLICH ASCITES TUMORœ Cells exposed in vivo. Physiol. Chem. Physics. 10:79(c)85. [Cells exposed to horizontal electrostatic fields for two weeks had almost a threefold increase in percentage of abnormal chromosomes compared to controls or to those exposed to vertical fields. Extended exposure times of 4(c)15 weeks resulted in the disappearance of the aberrant chromosomes; possibly due to inability of cellular replication; abnormalities included translocations and ischromatid breaks.] Modan, B. 1988. Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields and BRAIN MALIGNANCIESœ: A Newly Discovered Menace? American Journal of Industrial Medicine 13:625(c)627. Morgan, M.G. et al. 1985a. Power(c)line Fields and Human HEALTHœ. IEEE Spectrum 22(2):62(c)68. Morris, J.E., R.D. Phillips, and L.E. Anderson. 1985. IMMUNOLOGICALœ studies and 60(c)hz Electric Field Exposure of Swine, Final Report, EPRI EA(c)4318, Volume 6, Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA. Morris, J.E. et al. 1988. Effects of 60 Hz electric fields on IMMUNEœ response in rats. Bioelectromagnetics Society Tenth Annual Meeting, Stamford, CT, June 19(c)23. Myers, A. et al. 1985. Overhead Power Lines and CHILDHOOD CANCERœ. Pages 126(c)130. in; International Conference on Electric Fields in Medicine and Biology. The Institute of Electrical Engineers. London and New York. [Failure to detect an effect may have been due to low statistical power due to 374 cancer cases and 588 matched controls and because so few children lived near powerlines or high magnetic fields.] Nasca, P.C. et al. 1988. An Epidemiologic Case Control Study of Central Nervous System (CNSœ) TUMORSœ in CHILDRENœ and Parental Occupational Exposures. American Journal of Epidemiology 128(6):1256(c)1265. [A positive association was observed between paternal exposures based on industrial codes, to ionizing (ex:gamma rays, beta, sigma rays, plutonium etc.) radiation and CNS tumor risk. Odds ratios ranged from 1.71(c)2.15. Maternal exposures were not related to risk.] Newman, M.E. 1990. NCI and CCSG examine role of electromagnetic fields in childhood LEUKEMIA [News]. œJ. Natl Cancer Inst (US) 82(3):175(c). Feb. 7. Noda, M. Johnson, D.E., Chiabrera, A. G.A. Rodan. 1987. Effect of electric current on DNA synthesis in rat OSTEOSARCOMAœ cells: Dependence on conditions that influence cell growth. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 5:253(c)260. [Effects of sinusoidal 60 hzª electric currents on DNA synthesis in rat osteosarcoma cells (ROS 17/2.8) in culture were investigated using agar electrodes. Thirty four hours exposure to electric currents at intensities of 300(c)400 uA r.m.s./cm^2 enahanced DNA synthesis by 20% relative to controls. Findings indicate that sinusoidal electric currents can mildly enhance DNA synthesis in these cells under growth limiting conditions. My comm: Supports 12 other referenced studies showing emf induced cell proliferation or effect on DNA synthesis.] Nordenson, I., and K.H. Mild. 1985. CHROMOSOMAL ABERRATIONSœ in 400 KV Substation Workers. Abstracts. Seventh Annual Meeting. Bioelectromagnetics Society. p.18. Nordstrom, S., E. Birke, I. Nordenson. 1981. Workers in high voltage power stations. A study of PREGNANCIESœ and CHROMOSOME BREAKSœ. Preliminary Report. University of Umea: January. Olin, R., D. Vagero, and A. Ahlbom. 1985. MORTALITYœ Experience of Electrical Engineers. British Journal of Industrial Medicine 42:211(c)212. [Mortality study of 1254 electrical engineers during 1930(c)1979 who graduated with a masters degree. Of 108 who died, mortality experience was compared to Swedish average and the parameter used was the SMR. 659 male architects graduating from the same school were used as a control. The engineers had a significantly lower mortality than the expected probably due to less hazardous work environment and life style. Melanoma was elevated (SMR=3.2(0.7(c)9.4) and (My comment; brain cancer, while having an SMR of 1(0.7(c)9.4), because the other cancers were so low and architects had a particularly high brain cancer SMR, contributed considerably to raising the over(c)all mortality; despite low SMR, small sample size in this study (see 95% CI) does not rule out the possibility that brain cancers were important amongst electrical engineers). I think that there was also a poor choice of control for this study.] Pearce, N.E. 1988. LEUKEMIAœ in Electrical Workers in New Zealand. A Correction Lancet 11(8601):48. [Odds ratios for leukemia for selected occupational groups involving potential exposure to electrical and magnetic fields table. Type of Electrical Work Exposed Exposed Odds ratios Cases Controls (95%CI) Electrical/elect. engineers 1 5 .79 Electrical/elect.techs. 1 4 1.04 Elect.Fitters 2 12 .67 Radio TV Repair 4 2 8.17 Electricians 7 6 4.75 Linemen 2 12 .66 Power Stn Operators 1 1 3.93 Totals 18 43 1.70(.97-2.97) Pearce, N.E., R.A. Sheppard, J.K. Howard, J. Fraser, and B.M. Lilley. 1985. LEUKEMIAœ in Electrical Workers in New Zealand. Lancet 1:811(c)12. [The findings of this study …generally support the suggestion that electrical workers are at increased risk of leukemia. The excess risk are small but they are nevertheless of concern since exposure to electrical and magnetic fields is widespread. Earlier reports have suggested two hypthesis foe the leukemia excesses in electrical workers: (1) exposure to non(c)ionizing radiation; and (2) exposure to metal fumes and substances used in electrical components or assembly (McDowell, M.E. 1983. Lancet i:246) such as PCB’s used incapacitor manufacture (Maroni et al. 1981. Br. J. Ind. Med. 38:55(c)60.) My comment: PCB’s are often accompanied by furan contamination.]. Phillips, J.L. 1986. Transferrin receptors and natural KILLER CELLS LYSISœ. A Study Using Colo 205 Cells Exposed to 60 Hz Electromagnetic Fields. Immunology Letters. 13:295(c)299. [Results presented provide a further indication of cellular membrane changes produced by exposure to 60 hz electromagnetic fields.] Phillips, J.L., L. McChesney. 1988. Effect of extremely low frequency fields on GENE TRANSCRIPTIONœ in human LEUKEMIAœ cells. Bioelectromagnetics Society Tenth Annual Meeting. June 19(c)23. Stamford. CT. Phillips, J.L., Loyce Rutledge, and Wendell D. Winters. 1986. Transferrin Binding to Two Human Colon Carcinoma Cell Lines: Characterization and Effect of 60 Hz Electromagnetic Fields. Cancer Research 46:239(c)244. [The glycoprotein, Serum transferrin, is the major iron and di(c) and trivalent metal ion transporter protein in the human body and has been associated with other metal transport as well. It is an obligatory growth factor for many cells at least in vitro. More transferrin receptors are found on the surface of malignant or proliferating cells than on non(c)dividing cells. When subjected to electromagnetic field and magnetic field and combined fields, transferrin receptor expression changed to maximal levels and lost its responsiveness to normal cell controls. This change was maintained for at least eight months post exposure and is for all intents and purposes permanent. Neckers et al. (1984) J. Immunol. (34):2437(c)2441. proposed a model for malignant transformation in which constitutive expression of the transferrin receptor allows cell proliferation in the absence of homeostatic control by growth factors. Exposure of Colo 205 cells to 60 hz generated low level emf appears to produce a population of cells that express transferrin receptors in a truly constitutive manner. My comm: These are important and fundamental changes in cell biology, and the generality of these changes should be expeditiously ascertained.] Phillips, J.L., W.D. Winters, L. Rutledge. 1986b. In vitro exposure to electromagnetic fields: Changes in TUMORœ cell properties. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 49:463-469. [Two human colon cancer cell lines, Colo 205 and Colo 320 DM, have been studied for responses to 60 hz generated electromagnetic fields (EMF) using soft agar cloning and monoclonal antibody binding assays to assess exposure induced changes. Cellular responses have been studied after 24 hrs continuous exposure of cells concurrently to four experimental conditions; no EMF; magnetic field only (1.0 Gauss rms); electric field only at 300 mA/m^2 rms; and combined electric and magnetic at these above intensities. Under these conditions, both cell lines demonstrated significantly increased colony formation in soft agar and increased expression of tumor associated antigens after combined electric and magnetic field exposure and to magnetic field exposure alone, as compared to controls.] Preston(c)Martin, S. and J.M. Peters. 1988. Prior Employment as a Welder Asociated with the Development of CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIAœ. British Journal of Cancer 58:105(c)108. [This study is of Los Angeles County residents, aged 20 to 69 yrs; exposure was based on detailed questionnaire of 20 yrs previous employment; 229 cases; 137 completed questionnaires; controls matched for sex, race, birth year; socioeconomic level; The authors report a strong association between chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and prior employment as a welder. Their findings support recent reports of an increase in myeloid leukemia among welders (Stern et al. 1986; Savitz & Calle, 1987.)] Ragan, H.A., R.D. Phillips, R.L. Buschbom, R.H. Busch, and J.E. Morris. 1983. Hematologic and IMMUNOLOGICœ effects of pulsed microwaves in mice. Bioelectromagnetics. 4: 383(c)396.Batt. Roth, H.D. 1985. An EVALUATIONœ of Published Studies Analyzing the Association of Carcinogenesis with Exposure to Magnetic Fields (EA(c)3904). Roth Associates for Electric Power Research Institute. Palo Alto California. Sandler, D.P. and G.W. Collman. 1987. Cytogenic and Environmental Factors in the Etiology of the ACUTE LEUKEMIASœ in Adults. American Journal of Epidemiology 126:1017(c)1031. Savitz, D.A. 1987. Case(c)Control Study of CHILDHOOD CANCERœ and Residential Exposure to Electric And Magnetic Fields. Final Report to New york State Dept. of Health, Power Line Project., Albany, New York. Savitz, D.A. et al. 1988. Case(c)Control Study of CHILDHOOD CANCERœ and Residential Exposure to 60(c)Hz Magnetic Fields. American Journal of Epidemiology 128(1):21(c)38. [Case control study to assess relation of residential exposure to magnetic fields and the development of childhood cancer; 356 cases of the five county 1070 Denver Colorado Standard Metropolitan Statistical area ; subjects aged 14 diagnosed with any form of cancer between 1976 and 1983. Controls matched by age, sex and telephone exchange area. Exposure characterized by measurement of electric and magnetic fields in home and by surrogate measure of wire configuration codes(c)for magnetic fields. Measured magnetic fields under low power use conditions had a modest association with cancer incidence; a cutoff score of 2.0 milligauss resulted in an odds ratio of 1.4 (0.6(c)2.9)) for total cancers and somewhat larger odds ratios (OR’s) for leukemias (OR=1.9), lymphomas (OR=2.2) and soft tissue sarcomas (OR=3.3).{My comm: lymphomas and STS cancer syndrome suggests dioxins or chlorophenols possibly involved}. Neither magnetic fields or electric fields under high power use conditions were related to total cancers. Wire codes associated with higher magnetic fields were more common among cases than control homes. The results encourage further examination of the carcinogenic potential from this form of nonionizing radiation.] Savitz, D.A. and E.E. Calle. 1987. LEUKEMIAœ and Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: A Review of Epidemiological Surveys. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 29:47(c)51. [Review: Results for total leukemia show a modest excess risk for men in exposed occupations, with an enhanced risk elevation for acute leukemia and especially of acute myelogenous leukemia. Limitations of studies includes absence of characterization of exposure. Nonetheless, telegraph, radio, and radar operators, power and telephone linemen, and electrical and electronic engineers showed the most consistent results and warrent further study to ascertain potential occupational health hazards.] Savitz, D.A., L. Feingold. Association of childhood CANCER œwith residential traffic density. Scand. J. Work Environ Health (Finland) 15(5):360(c)3. Oct. Selikoff, I., H. Seidman, E. Hammond. 1980. MORTALITYœ effects of cigarette smoking among Amosite Asbestos factory Workers. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 65:507(c)513. [Combination of cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure increased the risk of lung cancer death about 80 times; ramifications for synergisms and for initiation(c)promotion models of cancer.] Severson, R.K. et al. 1988. ACUTE NONLYMPHOCYTIC LEUKEMIAœ and Residential Exposure to Power Frequency Magnetic Fields. American Journal of Epidemiology. 128(1):10(c)20. [Re(c)analysis by Wertheimer and Leeper (Am. J. Epidemiol. 1989, Vol. 130, No.2, pg. 423+)of this study which suggested no effect of powerª frequency magnetic fields on adult acute non(c)lyphocytic leukemia leads W+L to the conclusion that their result should be reconsidered. Severson et al. however reject that claiming the W+L reanalysis is post(c)hoc and unscientific. My comm: Clearly this study lacked the power to unilaterally reject or accept the null hypothesis unequivocally to the satisfaction of all, and should perhaps be redone with greater power.] Singewald, M.L., O.R. Langworthy, and W.B. Kouwenhoven. 1973. MEDICALœ Follow(c)Up of High Voltage Lineman Working in AC Electric Fields. IEEE Transactions Power Apparatus Systems 92(c)4:1307(c)1309. [Health of 10 Linemen over 9 years; 70 kv/m and small 60hz ac + strong electric field up to 470 kv/m; protective clothing worn; 8 in supervisory positions;hematology and blood chemistry(c)no effects observed; criticism(c)time lag too short; age 39(c)56 at end of study; sample too small] Slaga, T.J. 1984. MECHANISMSœ involved in two stage carcinogenesisœ in mouse skin, In: Mechanisms of Tumor Promotion. Vol. II. Tumor Promotion and Skin Carcinogenesis, Slaga, TJ, (Ed.), Boca Raton, FL: CRC press; 1(c)16. Speers, M.A., J.G Dobbins, and V.S. Miller. 1988. Occupational Exposures and BRAIN CANCER MORTALITYœ: A Preliminary Study of East Texas Residents. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 13:629ª638. [Case(c)control study between various occupational exposures and brain cancer was investigated using mortality data from 202 males who died in east Texas in 1969(c)1978 and 238 male controls randomly selected from all deaths in east Texas during same period. Risk for brain cancer was significantly increased for male workers employed in transportation, communication and utilities industries (OR=2.26(1.18(c)4.32)). Male workers employed in occupations associated with electricity or electromagnetic fields had an elevated risk for brain cancer (OR=3.94(1.52ª10.20)). In addition there was a linear relation between probability of exposure and brain cancer. Significantly elevated brain cancer was also found among male workers in the trucking industry. My comm: these results strongly support the hypothesis that EMF exposure is cancer causing or promoting.] Sptiz, M.R. and C.C. Johnson. 1985. NEUROBLASTOMAœ and Paternal Occupation: A Case Control Analysis. American Journal of Epidemiology 121(6):924(c)929. [Peak incidence of neuroblastoma during infancy suggests that pre(c)zygotic or pre(c)natal exposures to carcinogens could be implicated. Population based case control analysis of 157 children who died of neuroblastoma in 1964(c)1978 and 314 controls randomnly selected. Children of fathers employed in occupations with electromagnetic field exposure were at significantly increased risk (ODDs ratio =2.13. The ODDs ratio was 11.75 for children of fathers who reported themselves to be electronics workers (6 cases, 1 control).] Stern, F.B. et al. 1986. A Case Control Study of LEUKEMIAœ at a Naval Nuclear Shipyard. American Journal of Epidemiology. 123(6):980(c)992. [Matched case(c)control study of 53 leukemia deaths and 212 controls in a previously studied cohort of 24,545 on(c)shore workers employed between Jan. 1, 1952 and Aug. 15, 1977 at a New Hampshire shipyard. Electricians and welders had Mantel Haenszel odds ratios of OR=3.0(1.29(c)6.98) for leukemia and for lymphatic leukemia it was OR=6.0(1.47(c)24.45). For welders, the OR wasn’t statistically significant for leukemias (OR=2.25(.92ª5.53)) but was significantly elevated for myeloid leukemia (OR=3.83(1.28(c)11.46)); Workers were exposed to both EMF and ionizing radiation confounding the interpretation.] Stern, R.M. 1987. CANCERœ incidence among welders: Possible effects of exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic radiation (ELF) and to welding fumes. Environmental Health Perspectives. 76:221(c)229. {Initiation and promotion?} [Review article where reanalysis of the pooled original research results of others leads to the conclusion that Welders have an increased lung cancer incidence as well as for certain leukemias. He concludes that men in electrical occupations have increased risk of acute leukemia.] Stevens, R.G. 1987. Electric Power Use and BREAST CANCERœ: A Hypothesis. American Journal of Epidemiology. 125:556(c)561 [The Author presents the hypothesis that use of electric power may increase the risk of breast cancer. The hypothesis is based on experimental evidence that shows an effect of light and extremely low frequency electric and or magnetic fields on pineal melatonin production, and on the relationship of melatonin to mammary carcinogenesis.] Stopps,G.J. and W. Janischewskyj. 1979. An EPIDEMIOLOGICALœ Study of Personnel Working on A.C. Transmission Lines. Paper Presented Before The Canadian Electrical Association. March 1979; Vancouver, British Columbia. Stopps, G.J. and W. Janischewskyj. 1979. An EPIDEMIOLOGICALœ study of workers maintaining HV equipment and transission lines in Ontario. Canadian Electrical Assn. Research Report. [If biological effects are produced in human by such fields they are not being detected by the methods used in this study and such effects, if they exist, must presumably be fairly subtle. It seems unlikely that further epidemiological studies within a single electric power utility would be productive due to the relatively small number of high exposure men available for study within any one utility.] Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources. 1988. HEALTHœ Effects of Transmission Lines. Oversight Hearing. Serial No. 100(c)22. Supt. of Documents, U.S. Govt Printing Office. Washington, D.C. Üf ÜŒSwerdlow, A.J. 1983. Epidemiology of EYE CANCERœ in England and Wales., 1962(c)1977. American Journal of Epidemiology 118:294(c)300. [Age standardized registration rates for eye(c)melanoma were notably higher for electrical and electronics workers and there was a slight inverse urbanicity pattern; 2159 eye cancers in males, 2125 in females in England and Wales during 1962(c)1977.] Szmigielski, S. M. Bielec, S. Lipski, G. Sokolska. 1988. IMMUNOLOGICœ and cancer(c)related aspects of exposure to low level microwave and radiofrequency fields, In: Modern Bioelectricity, Marino, A.A. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 861(c)925. Thomas, T.L. et al. 1987. BRAIN TUMORœ Mortality Risk Among Men with Electrical and Electronics Jobs: A Case Control Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 79(2):233(c)238. [Study of brain tumor relative risks amongst occupationally exposed to radio frequency and microwave fields in New Jersey, Philadelphia and Louisiana. Exposure determined from interviews of next of kin for 435 white men who died of primary brain tumor and 386 who died of other causes. RR for MW/RF radiation exposed was elevated (RR=1.6(1(c)2.4)) and significantly for men with 20 years or more exposure. Risk was also elevated for electronics workers who were considered to have no exposure to MW/RF. Among electrical and electronics workers, risk was highest for engineers, teachers, technicians, repairers, and assemblers combined (RR=3.9(1.6(c)9.9)) and was limited to excess risk from astrocytic tumors (RR=4.6(1.9(c)12.2)). Risk of astrocytotic tumors increased to ten fold for those employed twenty years or more. Among electricians and power and telephone linemen combined (electrical tradesmen), the RR for astrocytotic tumors was slightly elevated, but not statistically significantly (RR=1.8), and showed no consistent evidence of duration(c)response relationship.] Thompson, R.A.E., S.M. Michaelson, and Q.A. Nguyen. 1988. Influence of 60(c)Hz Magnetic Fields on LEUKEMIAœ. Bioelectromagnetics 9:149(c)158. [Female DBA/2 mice at 8 weeks of age were implanted intraperitoneally with p388 leukemia cells in groups of ten mice and exposed to a 60 hz 1.4 ut, 200 ut, or 500 ut magnetic field 2(c)3 hours after the implant for 6 hrs daily, 5 days/ week until all of the exposed p388 treated and non(c)treated mice died. Parallel exposed groups of non(c)p388 treated mice and p388 treated mice exposed at 0 ut were included for study. This study with variables controlled, investigates whether exposure to 60 hz magnetic field promotes (transplanted) leukemia development or enhances leukemia progression in female DBA/2 mice as measured by the endpoint, time to death, spleen wt. or body wt.. No statistically significant differences (P>0.05) in survival, spleen weight, or body weight resulted between p388 treated of nontreated mice from exposure to the magnetic field. No effect on the incidence or progression of p388 leukemia was apparent. My comment: Note that this study doesn’t address the question of initiation, causality or synergisms between magnetic fields and confounding variables in non(c)murine (mouse) models.] Tomenius, L. 1986. 50(c)Hz Electromagnetic Environment and the Incidence of CHILDHOOD TUMORSœ in Stockholm County. Bioelectromagnetics 7:191(c)207. [The magnetic fields from overhead power lines and other electromagnetic sources were determined at the birth and diagnosis dwellings of all tumor cases reported in the county of Stockholm during the years 1958ª1973 for individuals 0(c)18 yrs of age. The study was limited to 716 cases having a permanent address in the county both at the time of birth and diagnosis. An equivalent number of controls was matched by age, sex and district of birth. Outside each dwelling, the occurrence of visible electrical constructions within 150 m of the dwelling were noted. Also the 50 hz magnetic field was measured outside the main entrance of the dwelling. Visible 200 kv wires were noted at 45 of the 2098 dwellings and were found twice as fequently among cases as among controls (P<0.05). The magnetic field measured at the dwelling varied between 0.0004 to 1.9 microtesla with a mean value of 0.069 ut. The magnetic field was higher (0.22 ut) at dwellings with visible 200 kv wires than at those without such wires. Magnetic fields of 0.3 ut or more were measured at 48 dwellings, and were found twice as fequently among cases as among controls (p<0.05). The difference was most pronounced for dwellings of nervous system tumors and was less for leukemia. Tomenius discusses possible causality by field or correlated factors.] Wertheimer, N. and E. Leeper. 1988. Some Supplementary Analyses of Data from the Two EPIDEMIOLOGICALœ Studies in the New York Power Lines Project. Unpublished Report. Summary in Transmission/Distribution Health and Safety Rreport, 1988, 6(6). [The analysis presented here indicates a rather clear association of EMF exposure with adult non(c)lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL). If the association is causal (and that is an important “if”)(c)(c)then the data indicate that some 25% or more of the ANLL cases in the Washington State study locale could be attributable to chronic EMF exposure (and that would obviously be a very important consequence).] Wertheimer, N., E. Leeper. 1987. Magnetic field exposure related to CANCER SUBTYPESœ. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 502: 43(c)54. [Addresses of 1179 adults with cancer were assembled from Colorado Death Certificate and Cancer Registry records, covering Denver and its suburbs and two smaller towns near Denver. Each cancer address was matched to a control address matched for town, age, sex, year of death, year when subject lived in the house, and socioeconomic level. Cancer cases were compared to controls for alternating magnetic field exposure as indexed by power(c)line configurations to see if there was more likelihood of cases being in the vicinity of greater exposure. Certain subtypes of cancer, notably central nervous system cancer, showed an association with two indices of exposure to 60 hz AC magnetic fields (AMF’s). Subtype similarities were seen in those people potentially exposed to AMF’s by their occupations, and in those potentially exposed by high current power lines near their homes. The incidence(c)age patterns observed in exposed and nonexposed groups suggest that prolonged AMF exposure may act as a cancer promoter.] Wertheimer, N, and E. Leeper. 1979. Electrical Wiring Configuration and CHILDHOOD CANCERœ. American Journal of Epidemiology 109:272(c)284. [An excess of electrical wiring configurations suggestive of high current(c)flow was noted in Colorado in 1976(c)1977 near homes of 328 children who developed cancer, as compared to 328 control children. The finding was strongest (p<.001) for children who spent their entire lives at the same address, and appeared to be dose(c)related.] Wertheimer, N, and E. Leeper. 1982. ADULT CANCERœ Related to Electrical Wires Near the Home. International Journal of Epidemiology. 11(4):345(c)355. [Adult cancer was found to be associated with high current electrical wiring configurations (HCC’s) near the patient’s residence. Such wiring can expose occupants to alternating magnetic fields (AMFs) at a level, which although very low, may produce physiological effects. Several patterns in the data suggest that HCC’s and cancer may be causally linked; (1) a dose(c)relationship was found. (2) the association didn’t appear to be an artifact of age, urbanicity, neighbourhood, or socio(c)economic level (3) The association was most clearly demonstrable where cancer caused by urbanicity/industrial factors was least apt to obscure the effect. (4) A distinct pattern of latency between first exposure to the HCC and cancer diagnosis was seen, which is consistent with a hypothesis of cancer promotion produced by AMF exposure.] W.H.O./IRPA Task Group on Magnetic Fields. 1987. Environmental Health CRITERIAœ 69. Magnetic Fields. World Health Organization. Geneva. Wilson, B.W., R.G. Stevens, and L.E. Anderson (Eds). 1989. Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields: The Question of CANCERœ. Battelle Press, Columbus Ohio (In Press). Wright, W.E., J.M. Peters, and T.M. Mack. 1982. LEUKEMIAœ in Workers Exposed to Electric and Magnetic Fields. Lancet 2:1160(c)1. [Proportional registration ratio (observed/expected*100) for leukemia was assessed for the south east of England in a population of 6.5 million for the period 1961(c)1979; Subjects were men aged 15(c)74; the average for all occupations formed the expected; for all ten electrical occupations, there was a 17% excess (P<.05); eight of ten occupations showed an excess for all leukemias; for electrical fitters =89% excess; for telegraph operators=146% excess, significant at 5% level; radio and radar mechanics had a deficit of leukemias.] Yupsa, S.H. 1984. TUMOR PROMOTIONœ in epidermal cells in culture, In: Mechanisms of Tumor Promotion. Vol. III: Tumor Promotion and Carcinogensis in Vitro, Slaga, T.J. (Ed), Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1(c)12. ALPHABETICAL WITHIN SUBJECT AREAS. BRAIN CANCER Johnson, C.C., M.R. Spitz. 1989. Childhood NERVOUS SYSTEM TUMOURSœ: an assessment of risk associated with paternal occupations involving use, repair or manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment. Int. J. Epidemiology (England). 18(4):756(c)762. Dec.. Lin, R.S. et al. 1985. Occupational Exposure of Electromagnetic Fields and Occurrence of BRAIN TUMORSœ. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 27(6):413(c)419. Modan, B. 1988. Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields and BRAIN MALIGNANCIESœ: A Newly Discovered Menace? American Journal of Industrial Medicine 13:625(c)627. Nasca, P.C. et al. 1988. An Epidemiologic Case Control Study of Central Nervous System (CNSœ) TUMORSœ in CHILDRENœ and Parental Occupational Exposures. American Journal of Epidemiology 128(6):1256(c)1265. Speers, M.A., J.G Dobbins, and V.S. Miller. 1988. Occupational Exposures and BRAIN CANCER MORTALITYœ: A Preliminary Study of East Texas Residents. American Jornal of Industrial Medicine 13:629ª638. Thomas, T.L. et al. 1987. BRAIN TUMORœ Mortality Risk Among Men with Electrical and Electronics Jobs: A Case Control Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 79(2):233(c)238. CANCER PROMOTION Adey, W.R. 1987. Cell membranes, electromagnetic fields and CANCER PROMOTION. American Chemical Society. 195.:153. (Abst) Adey, W.R. 1988. Cell membranes: the electromagnetic environment and CANCER PROMOTION. Neurochemical Research. 13:671(c)677. Adey, W.R. 1988. Electromagnetic fields, cell membrane amplification and CANCER PROMOTIONœ. Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiations and Ultrasound. Proceedings of the Twenty(c)Second Annual Meeting. April 2(c)3. 1986. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurement, Bethesda, MD, 80(c)110. Adey, W.R. 1988. Joint Actions of the environmental nonionizing electromagnetic fields and chemical pollution in CANCER PROMOTIONœ. Adey, W. Ross. 1989. Electromagnetic Fields, Cell Membranes Amplification, and CANCER PROMOTIONœ. Battelle Press. 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Please forgive me for my typos and scientific licence to conjecture in the comments sections, I’m sure there are lots off the wall. Updates would be highly appreciated. INTRODUCTION This EMF Cancer review is based on literature references obtained from Bonneville Power, Battelle and BC Hydro, spanning 1979-1989 and from a computor search of DIALOG databases for 1989-90. I have since become aware that DIALOG has had a legal battle with CAS, Chemical Abstracts Society, and this may have led to less reporting of actual published research than that which I obtained at least for my 1989-90 computor online update, so there may be gaps. How the librarian chose which studies I would receive from the total list I asked for is not clear so a source of bias could have been enterred there. It has also been argued that findings which show no effects are less likely to get published. I seriously question this however, since it is in the vested interests of utilities to make widely known any such null effects, and they would promote the publication of such studies. If anything, perhaps the reverse is true. Perhaps these two tendencies cancel out and a truly representative pattern of negative and positive findings is in fact published. There is a massive problem with controls in the majority of these studies since EMF is so wide-spread, it is almost impossible to get an unexposed group. The best that can be hoped for is a less exposed group. However, even this runs into trouble interpretation-wise when one considers that specific windows of frequency and intensity and combinations may be more important in causality than simple density of electric or magnetic fields. The effect of using national averages as controls where even the controls have been exposed to EMF to some degree, is to underestimate the true effect of EMF so that5 it is safe to say that it is worse than experimentally demonstrated. RESULTS The conclusions one is drawn to from an overview such as this are inescapable. EMF or something to do with EMF makes leukemia worse if not actually causing it or some forms of it, though the evidence points strongly towards causality. Brain cancer is made worse or actually caused by EMF or an associated factor. Other cancers are probably made worse or promoted by EMF exposure. Fundamental genetic and perhaps epigenetic cellular physiology changes occur, some permanently, from certain tunings or windows of EMF. Effects on development can be profound and species variability in susceptability to EMF impacts is largely unknown. Confounding variables like chemical pollutants, solvent vapors, metals, may be operative synergistically as initiators, promoters, physiological poisons, hormone analogs, or cocarcinogens or may work through harming the immune system. CONCLUSION It is safe to conclude from a reading of the totality of studies relating EMF to cancer, to which I have accessed so far, that EMF is a highly probable cancer hazard contributing worldwide to significantly increased human and non-human morbidity and mortality. While it may be more statistically formal to do a Meta-Analysis on the studies (Mann, C. 1990. Meta-Analysis in the Breech. Science (249):476-480.), the trends are so strong that I doubt that any significant change in the final interpretation would result. © 1990, Jorma Jyrkkanen. All Rights Reserved. Contact

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