Friday, February 25, 2022

Ancient Finland and the Kievan Rus. 2022-02-25. JormaJyrkkanen. From Finnish Friend and Historian Pete Europa of Helsinki.

Kvenland is in Kievan Rus'. The lion was prohibited during Russian Suzerainty to be facing East towards Russia so since Independence this obviously is without merit. I took the Liberty of Painting my own lion and doing it properly.
• The map attached: An early stage of Kievan Rus', in 862–912. The modern peoples of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia all claim Kievan Rus' as their cultural origin. • A map and closely related article – Europe in 814, at the death of Charles the Great and birth of Rurik: • See also 'Ingria in 1698' (with a map) – The Lion is a Herald of the Yngling Dynasty Based on medieval accounts, primeval Finnic rulers of Finland, Kvenland and Got(h)land gave birth to the Yngling and Rurik Dynasties, from which founders and rulers of many countries descended, including – but not limited to – the ruling families of England, Denmark, France, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Normandy, Norway, Orkney Islands, Rome, Russia, Scotland, Sweden and Ukraine. Medieval accounts discussing lineages sprung from the primeval Finnic King Fornjót and his descendants, mainly the brothers Gór and Nór – the founders of Denmark and Norway –, leading to the rulers of the aforementioned and other countries include, but are not limited to, the following: Beowulf (8th – early 11th century) • Íslendingabók (8th–10th century) • Hyndluljóð (a Norse poem from c. 800-1000, often considered a part of the Poetic Edda) that was compiled later • Ynglingatal (early 10th century) • Primary Chronicle (c. 1095) • Historia Norvegiæ (late 12th century) • Gesta Danorum (started c. 1185, finished c. 1216) • Skáldskaparmál (c. 1220) • Ynglinga saga (c. 1225) • Orkneyinga saga (c. 1230) • Heimskringla (c. 1230) • Hversu Noregr byggðist (oldest surviving transcript dates to 1387) • and its appendage Ættartolur (1387). • Fornjót – King of Kvenland – It is therefore not surprising that more Viking Age swords have been found in Finland than for instance in what today are Denmark and Iceland, traditionally considered strong Viking regions. Much of what today are Norway and Sweden – on the other hand –, was in the Viking Age part of the Finnic realm referred to in medieval accounts as Kvenland. • Europe in 814, according to University of Texas – More Merovingian era (c. 480–720 in Central and Western Europe; c. 550–800 in Fennoscandia) swords have been found in what today are Finland and Germany than anywhere else. Of the 80 Merovingian era ring-hilted swords ever found, 14 are from Finland. These swords were prestigious, prized possessions, believed to have been reserved for kings, royalty, and high nobility. More of the prestigious Viking Age Ulfberht swords and their Viking Age copies have been found in what today are Finland and Norway than anywhere else, in both countries over 40 of the total of c. 160 ever found. What explains the large amount of the late Iron Age (Iron Age in Finland: c. 600 BC – c. 1350 AD) swords in Finland, and the fact that e.g. more Viking Age coins have been found in Häme, Finland, than anywhere else? Would foreign raiders have brought to – and left in – Finland all the money, jewelry, and swords found in Finland? Archaeological, genealogical, and other evidence points to the contrary, for the most part at least. Learn about the Finnic-Varangian connection further down in this article. • Viking Age swords in Finland – Among medieval texts discussing Finnic royals, Icelandic sagas written in the 12th–14th centuries provide 30 references to Finnic kings from the 1st millennium AD. Among them, in Egil's saga Faravid (Finnish: Kaukomieli) is said to have been the "King of Kvenland". The saga focuses on the era in c. 850–1000, in the Viking Age. According to 'History of the Earls of Orkney' ("Orkneyinga saga"), written in c. 1230 – centuries after some of the events it records –, the early 1st-millennium ruler Fornjót was a "king", who "reigned over Gotland, which we now know as Finland and Kvenland". According to Professor Emeritus Kyösti Julku, no geographical errors have been found in the descriptions of Orkneyinga saga. He asks why, therefore, the existence of the people discussed should be suspected ('Kvenland - Kainuunmaa', 1986.) The information is also supported by other medieval accounts, and today by archaeological and DNA discoveries. Historian Barbara E. Crawford says that Orkneyinga saga has "no parallel in the social and literary record of Scotland". Source: 'Scandinavian Scotland' (Scotland in the Early Middle Ages, 2), 1987, p. 221. According to the medieval Hversu Noregr byggðist ("How Norway was Inhabited/Founded"), Snær the Old ("Old Snow") was a great-grandson of Fornjót and – as in Orkneyinga saga – son of "Frost(i) son of Kári" (Frosti was the King of Finnmark, according to Sturlaugs saga), and Snær was the father of Thorri, and Snær and Thorri were kings, and Thorri "ruled over Gothland, Kvenland (Kænlandi) and Finland". According to both accounts, a great sacrifice was made yearly at mid-winter, offered either by Thorri (in Orkneyinga saga) or by Kvens to Thorri (in Hversu Noregr byggðist). Thorri had the sons Nór, who founded Norway, and Gór – the alleged founder of Denmark –. and a daughter named Gói ('Thin Snow'). Both Orkneyinga saga and Hversu Noregr byggðist are found in the Islandic Flatey Book (Flateyjarbók), compiled in the late 14th century, but – largely, if not entirely – of much older sources. The legendary Fennoscandian King Snær the Old is mentioned also in Ynglinga saga (c. 1225), in relation to Finland (Snær/Snaer in Finnish: Lumi / in English: Snow / in Latin: Nix, Nivis / in Old Norse: Snærr / in East Norse: Sniō). ➖ RURIK'S HOME A PART OF KVENLAND Prince Rurik was the founder in the 9th century of the early polity that became known as Kievan Rus', which led to the births of Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. See a picture of the early stage of Kievan Rus', in 862–912: According to the Primary Chronicle, compiled in Kiev in c. 1113, Rurik was one of the Rus', known as Varyags in Old East Slavic, also known as Varangians, a Finnic-Varangian tribe likened by the chronicler to Danes, Swedes, Angles, and Gotlanders. However, clearly – without enough knowledge of Northern Fennoscandia – the chronicler was not able to explain the Finnic ethnicity of the Rus' in more detail. The Varangians were seafaring warriors and traders who in addition to Rus' included also members of other Finnic peoples/tribes. They spread their influence to large territories southeast of Fennoscandia. The Rus'-Varangians inhabited the coastal areas of the Gulf of Bothnia, including the Roslagen seashore where Rurik allegedly was born, located in Uppland in what today is part of Sweden. That general area and its Finnic inhabitants were in medieval accounts referred to in non-Finnic languages as Kvenland and Kvens. In the early 9th century, when Rurik was born, the territory ruled by Kvens bordered Roslagen, as is shown e.g. in a map produced by the University of Texas in Austin: The vast majority of what today is Sweden was in the 9th century part of Kvenland. The names Rus, Ruotsi, and Russia share a common Finnic origin. In the 9th century already, and up to today, Finns inhabiting the eastern side of the Gulf of Bothnia, i.e. today's Finland, have referred to the area on the western side of the gulf – modern-day Sweden – as Ruotsi, and an inhabitant of the area as ruotsalainen, from which terms the names Rus' and Russia derive from. Only quite recently before Rurik's birth, during the Merovingian era, had the Sveas (Old English: Sweonas; Latin: Suiones, Suehans, and Sueones) gradually integrated with the Kvens of the region. The Merovingian era refers to the era of the Merovingian dynasty, the ruling family of the Franks in southwestern and south-central Europe from the middle of the 5th century until 751. Based on DNA findings and other evidence, Rurik was a Finnic Kven. He likely descended from the early 1st millennium Finnic rulers of Finland, Kvenland and Got(h)land, and their Scandinavian royal offspring. See Rurik's alleged place of birth and the ethnic groups in 840 in what today is Sweden: Still during the late Viking Age (Viking Age: 793–1066), and beyond, Kvenland extended to the northernmost arctic edges of Europe, based on medieval written sources and other evidence. One such source is a list of countries in 'Leiðarvísir og borgarskipan', a geographical chronicle and a guidebook for pilgrims about routes from Northern Europe to Rome and Jerusalem, written by an Icelandic Abbot Níkulás Bergsson in the monastery of Þverá (Munkaþverá) in c. 1157. Written about three and a half centuries after the birth of Prince Rurik, Abbot Bergsson provides the following description of the lands near Norway: "Closest to Denmark is little Sweden (Svíþjóð), there is Öland (Eyland); then is Gotland; then Hälsingland (Helsingaland); then Värmland (Vermaland); then two Kvenlands (Kvenlönd), and they extend to north of Bjarmia (Bjarmaland)." Based on that description and other historical evidence, the southern border of Kvenland had by then shifted northbound considerably from Rurik's lifetime, but Kvenland still then covered the Fennoscandian territory north of Hälsingland and Värmland. The names Varangian and Varyag also share ancient Finno-Ugric origins and are related to the Finnish language terms vara, vaara, varanto, etc. Similarly, the Finnish terms venäläinen (meaning Russian) and vene (meaning boat) and the Estonian term venelane (vene, in spoken language, meaning Russian) share common Finnic origins. Related to the names Varangian and Varyag is also the Finnish language name Varanginvuono (Sami: Várjavuonna; Norwegian: Varangerfjord; English: Varanger Fjord, meaning literally Varangian Fjord/Bay). It is the name of a fjord on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the modern-day area of Northern Norway. In his study 'Kvenland - Kainuunmaa' (1986, p. 113–118), Professor Emeritus Kyösti Julku discusses the maps of Abraham Ortelius from 1570, Gerhard Mercator from 1595, and Adrian Veen from 1613. In these maps, the name Caienska Semla is marked next to Varangerfjord. The Ortelius and Mercator maps are pictured in Julku's study. Caienska Semla can be seen written west from Vardø (Finnish: Vuoreija, Vuorea) and Varangerfjord. According to Julku – and others –, the Finnish language meaning of the Latin term Caienska Semla is 'Kainuun maa', which means "Land of Kainuu". Today, historians widely agree that the Finnic names Kainu, Kainuu, and Kainuunmaa and the non-Finnic name Kvenland are synonyms to each other. ➖ FINNISH TRADING CENTERS NEVANLINNA AND LAATOKANLINNA WERE RIVER-GATES FROM FENNOSCANDIA TO EASTERN EUROPE In 1611, at the start of Sweden's – historically a.k.a. Sweden-Finland (in Finland) – superpower era as the Swedish Empire (1611–1721), the fortress of Nevanlinna (literally, "Neva Castle"; Swedish: Nyenskans, Nyenschantz) was built in the Finnish port town known by that same name, Nevanlinna (Swedish: Nyenskans, Nyen). Nevanlinna – today best known as Saint Petersburg – is located at the mouth of the Neva River, on the easternmost coast of the Gulf of Finland. The Finnish word neva means bog. In Nevanlinna, a fortress had been erected by "Sweden-Finland" already over three centuries before, either in 1299 or 1300. That fortress, known in Finnish as Maankruunu and Swedish as Landskrona, was destroyed in 1301 by the forces of Novgorod, the predecessor state of Russia. Nevanlinna gained official town rights in 1642 when it became the administrative center of the part of the Swedish Empire known as Ingria (Finnish: Inkeri; Swedish: Ingermanland). Until the early 18th century, Ingria was inhabited nearly entirely just by Finns and the Finnic Ingrians. In Nevanlinna, there had been also a small Swedish-speaking minority population, and an even smaller German-speaking population, prior to the Great Northern War (1700–1721) when Ingria became part of the Russian Empire (1721–1917). • Ingria in 1698 – The annexation of Ingria allowed Tsar Peter the Great of Russia – for the first time – to have a seaport on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Before then, Staraya Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokanlinna) had been Tsar Peter's only port where seagoing vessels arriving from the Baltic Sea could have anchored. Arkhangelsk at the coast of the White Sea had provided Russia access to the Arctic Ocean but was closed to shipping for months during wintertime. • The Varangian northern trading route – (Kainuu, White Sea) ➖ THE FINNISH-INGRIAN TOWN OF LAAATOKANLINNA PAVED WAY FOR THE BIRTHS OF UKRAINE, BELARUS, RUSSIA Staraya Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokanlinna, Laatokankaupunki, Vanha Laatokka; Russian: Ста́рая Ла́дога; Old Norse: Aldeigjuborg, in Norse sagas) is a rural locality in the Volkhovsky District of Leningrad Oblast (Historically: Ingria) in Russia. In the 8th and 9th centuries, it was a prosperous Ingrian-Finnish trading center. Staraya Ladoga is located on the Volkhov River (Finnish: Olhavanjoki), near Lake Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokka), 8 kilometers (5 mi) north of the town of Volkhov (Finnish: Olhava) – the administrative center of the district –, and 13 kilometers (8 mi) south of Lake Ladoga. Staraya Ladoga could be accessed by ships via the route of the Neva River (a.k.a. Vane River up to the late 10th century) from the Gulf of Finland. ➖ RURIK'S ARRIVAL IN LAATOKANLINNA, THE FIRST CAPITAL OF WHAT BECAME RUSSIA In 862, the Finnic Kven-Varangian (Rus') Prince Rurik and his brothers Sineus and Truvor arrived in the Finnish-Ingrian town of Staraya Ladoga (Finnish: Laatokanlinna, Laatokankaupunki, Vanha Laatokka; Russian: Ста́рая Ла́дога; Old Norse: Aldeigjuborg, in Norse sagas) from Kvenland. Rurik had been invited there by the local Finnic chieftains, to act as a mediator in the ongoing unrest between members of the Finnic tribes inhabiting the area and Slavic tribes trying to spread their influence to the area. Thereafter, Laatokanlinna was governed by members of the Finnic Kven-Varangian – a.k.a. Rus' – Rurik Dynasty (Rurikids). For this reason, the town is often referred to as the first and oldest capital of Russia. The earliest known written mention of it is from 753. Prince Rurik is believed to have lived also in Rurikovo Gorodische (Finnish: Ruurikinlinna, meaning "Rurik's Castle"; Old Norse: Holmgård, Holmgard; Russian: Рюриково городище), by the mouth of the river Volkhov (Finnish: Olhavanjoki) from Lake Ilmen (Finnish: Ilmajärvi). Rurikovo Gorodische was a predecessor center to what became Novgorod, 2 km north of Rurikovo Gorodische. Although Novgorod is first mentioned already in 859, no archaeological evidence of its existence in its current location exists from before the late 10th century. Novgorod is one of the most important historic cities in Russia. The earthly remains of Rurik are believed to have been buried on a bank of the Volkhov River in Staraya Ladoga, like are those of some other Rurikid princes. Recent archaeological excavations have produced evidence of a 9th-century village having existed very close to where the Staraya Ladoga fortress stands today. • Excavation site in Staraya Ladoga – (Video, in Finnish) ➖ KVENS GAVE BIRTH TO THE RUS' KHAGANATE AND RURIK DYNASTY From the late 8th to mid-9th century, the Kven-Varangians – a.k.a. Rus' – created the Rus' Khaganate, an early polity southeast from the modern-day country of Finland. Varangians included also members of other Finnic peoples. The Rus' Khaganate came under the leadership of the Kven-Varangian (Rus') Prince Rurik (c. 830 – c. 879), a chieftain who established himself in Novgorod in c. 862, according to the Primary Chronicle. The name Rurik is believed to derive from the ancient Scandinavia term Rørik, which means "known leader". In the process, Rurik gave birth to the Rurik dynasty, a.k.a. Rurikids, which was the ruling dynasty of the Rus' (the Varangians). It founded the Tsardom of Russia and ruled it until 1598. ➖ FINNIC VARANGIANS (VARYAGS, RUS') FOUNDED KIEVAN RUS' Kievan Rus' was a loose federation of Finnic and East Slavic tribes in Eastern Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century, under the reign of the Rurik dynasty. The modern peoples of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia all claim Kievan Rus' as their cultural ancestors. An etymological connection between Kvenland and Kievan Rus' is apparent e.g. in old Kievan names. Ancient names for the residents of Kiev include Kwänen, Konae, Chonae, Kwäne, Quene, Choani, Cunni, Chuni, and Hunni (who chased away the Goths). Ancient names for Kiev include Kiaenuborg, Kianugard, Kaenunland, Kuenaland, and Hunugard. Kievan Rus' began with the rule (882–912) of Prince Oleg, Rurik's relative and successor, who in 882 ventured south and conquered Kiev, founding the polity of the Kievan Rus'. Before this, Kiev had been paying tribute to the Khazars. Subsequently, Prince Oleg extended his control from Novgorod south along the Dnieper river valley, to protect trade from Khazar incursions from the east, and moved his capital to the more strategic Kiev. Oleg, Rurik's son Igor and Igor's son Sviatoslav in this process subdued all local East Slavic tribes to Kievan rule, destroyed the Khazar khaganate, and launched several military expeditions to Byzantium and Persia. Sviatoslav I (died in 972) achieved the first major expansion of the territorial control of Kievan Rus', fighting a war of conquest against the Khazar Empire. Vladimir the Great (980–1015) introduced Christianity to the region, with his own baptism and – by decree – that of all the inhabitants of Kiev, and beyond. At its greatest extent, in the mid-11th century, Kievan Rus' stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, and from the headwaters of the Vistula river – located in what today is Poland – in the west to the Taman Peninsula in the east, uniting the majority of East Slavic tribes. Kievan Rus' reached its greatest extent under Yaroslav I (1019–1054); his sons assembled and issued its first written legal code, the Rus' Justice, shortly after his death. Starting in the late 11th century, Kievan Rus' gradually declined, and during the 12th century disintegrating into various rival regional powers. It was further weakened by economic factors such as the collapse of the Rus' commercial ties to Byzantium, due to the decline of Constantinople and the accompanying diminution of trade routes through its territory. Kievan Rus' finally fell to the Mongol invasion in the 1240s. ➖ DNA CONFIRMS IT – RURIK WAS A FINNIC VARANGIAN In 2007, a genetic study by the Polish-led 'Family Tree DNA Rurikid Dynasty Project' was conducted on the 9th century Varangian Prince Rurik's modern-day male-line descendants: • The first Rurikid prince tested "was found to belong to the genetic haplogroup N1c1 – the so-called “Finno-Ugrian”." • Later, "it was discovered that the N1c1 Rurikid princes belong to the so-called “Varangian Branch” in this haplogroup." • Source – In Fennoscandia today, people representing the “Finno-Ugrian” “Varangian Branch” – i.e. the closest relatives of the Rurikid haplotype – can be found especially among the now partly Swedish-speaking Finnic people historically inhabiting the coastal areas around the Gulf of Bothnia, mainly in what today is Finland. That region was referred to in medieval accounts as Kvenland. Its inhabitants, the Kvens, are believed to have given birth to the language which developed into what now is known as Swedish. Up to the late Middle Ages, the vast modern-day Northern Swedish province of Norrland was inhabited solely by the Finnic Kven and Finno-Ugric Sami peoples. Consequently, the settlers arriving in Norrland from the more southern parts of what today is Sweden and from elsewhere, and their offspring, typically do not belong to the Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1 as Rurik belonged. Most other present-day inhabitants of Finland in the “Finno-Ugrian” category belong to the 'Finno-Karelian Branch'. The N1c1 haplotype is not widely found in the Scandinavian countries but is overwhelmingly found among Finnic ethnicity. It possesses the distinctive value DYS390=23, which too is rare in non-Finnic populations of Scandinavia. These DNA findings support other evidence indicating that Rurik was a Finnic individual, born – allegedly – on the Roslagen seashore of the Gulf of Bothnia, in what today is Sweden. At the time of Rurik's birth in the 9th century, Roslagen represented the southern border-region of Kvenland, where only quite recently the Sveas (Old English: Sweonas; Latin: Suiones, Suehans, Sueones) had begun integrating with the indigenous local Kvens. The Rurikid DNA study also supports the view that Rurik descended from the Yngling Dynasty, a.k.a. Fairhair Dynasty, i.e. members of the Fennoscandian Finnic Kven royal lineage introduced in several medieval accounts, and that the Rurik Dynasty is a branch of the Yngling Dynasty. Numerous noble Russian and Ruthenian families claim a male-line descent from Rurik. Via Anne of Kiev, the wife of Henry I of France, Rurikid ancestry can also be argued for numerous Western European lineages. ➖ THE TALE OF BYGONE YEARS 'The Tale of Bygone Years', a.k.a. Primary Chronicle (Nestor's Chronicle, Nestor's manuscript), is a history of Kievan Rus' from about 850 to 1110, originally compiled in Kiev in c. 1113, but possibly already in 1095. The chronicle is unique as the only written testimony on the earliest history of East Slavic people. Its comprehensive account of the history of Rus' is unmatched in other sources, although important correctives are provided by the Novgorod First Chronicle. The chronicle was allegedly authored or compiled by Nestor (c. 1056 – c. 1114), a monk of the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev (modern-day Ukraine) from 1073 onward. Presumably, there were several earlier texts and/or versions of the chronicle, which were updated and combined by Nestor for his work. Nestor's many sources included earlier, now-lost Slavonic chronicles, the Byzantine annals of John Malalas and of George Hamartolus, native legends, and Norse sagas, several Greek religious texts, Rus'-Byzantine treaties, and oral accounts of Yan Vyshatich and of other military leaders. The early part of Nestor's Chronicle features many anecdotal stories, among them those of the arrival of the three Varangian brothers, the founding of Kiev, and more. ➖ CATHERINE II PROUD OF HER FINNISH ORIGINS The most influential proponent claiming that the founders of the early stage of Russia (subsequently of Ukraine and Belarus as well), including their leader Rurik, were ethnic Finns has been the Empress Catherine the Great of Russia, a.k.a. Catherine II. During her 34 years, 3 months, and 10 days long reign in Russia in the latter part of the 18th century, Catherine II was the most powerful woman in the world. Both she and her husband, Emperor Peter III of Russia, were Rurikid descendants. In her writings, Catherine II placed the origin of the Varangians in the region between Ingria and Finland, i.e. in Karelia. She even wrote a play about Rurik, in which the dying Gostomysl instructs his followers to elect his daughter's son, grandson of a Finnish prince, to be their ruler. During the reign of Catherine II, three editions of a short review of Russian history were published by Timofei Malgin, who too was an advocate of the Finnish theory. Also, a work of similar persuasions was published by Ivan P. Yelagin, the literary adviser to the Empress and the founder of Russian freemasonry. The proponents of the Finnish theory include – but are not limited to – the following: • Catherine II • Vasily Tatishchev, Rurikid descendant, the author of the first full-scale Russian history • Mikhail Shcherbatov, Rurikid prince, historian • Viktor Paranin, historian, 1990 • Johan Adolf Lindström, historian, has presented also a Goth-Varangian theory • A. H. Snellman, historian, a.k.a. Artturi Heikki Virkkunen • Yrjö Koskinen, historian • Jalmari Jaakkola, historian • Matti Klinge, historian • Pirkko-Liisa Lehtosalo-Hilander, archaeologist • Carl Fredrik Meinander, professor of Finnish and Scandinavian archaeology • Eero Vilho Kuussaari, historian (1935). According to Vasily Tatishchev, the "father of Russian history", the Rus' were Finns. Among other things, he based his knowledge on the Ioachim Chronicle. The original chronicle was lost. Its contents are known through Tatishchev's 'History of Russia'. The Ioachim (Ioakim, Joachim) Chronicle was discovered by Tatishchev in the 18th century. It is believed to be a 17th-century compilation of earlier sources describing events in the 10th and 11th centuries, about the Novgorod Republic and Kievan Rus'. Further support for Tatishchev`s Finnish theory has been provided e.g. by 'Chronicon Finlandiae', written by an unknown author, published by Christian Nettelbladt in 1728. In the view of Viktor Paranin, the home region of the Rus' was the Finnish Karelian Isthmus. • Continue reading – Catherine II – ➖ • Rollo and William the Conqueror were Kvens – • Kvenland in 814 AD – • Links to related posts and info –

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