Monday, February 21, 2022

Columbus's Travel Guide and Map Courtesy of the Vatican and Jesuits. 2022-02-21 Jorma Jyrkkanen

Columbus's Forgotten Viking Travel Guide Columbus Probably Had a Map of the New World Added : Friday, February 27th 2009 by quarksandgenes Related Tags : geography, history, books, discovery Did Columbus Have a Portuguese Viking or Cicilian Map of Vinland and a Travel Book? 26 February 2009 The Catholic Church was very much involved in settlement of Greenland and Vinland, and the New World was mentioned in 1072-76 in the Document Descripto Insulariu by Archbishop Adalbert [Adam] of Bremen who was the Custodian of Greenland. He consulted with the King of Denmark to draft his document. The Church would have had enormous interest in seeing that a Catholic Explorer 'Laid Claim' to the New World. I found the document but its in Latin. Is there anyone out there who can translate it for me? Adam's Clip, note Qui Latitudenum: Capitulum 38. Praeterea unam adhuc insulam recitavit a multis in eo repertam occeano, quae dicitur Winland, eo quod ibi vites sponte nascantur, vinum optimum ferentes. Nam et fruges ibi non seminatas habundare, non fabulosa opinione, sed certa comperimus relatione Danorum. [Post quam insulam, ait, terra non invenitur habitabilis in illo occeano, sed omnia quae ultra sunt glacie intolerabili accaligineinmensaplenasunt.CuiusreiMarcianusitameminit:'UltraThilen',inquiens,'navigationeuniusdieimareconcretumest'.TemptavithocnuperexperientissimusNordmannorumprincepsHaraldus.Qui latitudinem septentrionalis occeani perscrutatus navibus, tandem caligantibus ante ora deficientis mundi finibus inmane abyssi baratrum retroactis vestigiis pene vix salvus evasit.] Schol. 37. Odinkar filius erat Toki ducis Winlandensis et sedem in Ripa habuit. Nam tercia pars terrae Winlandensis patrimonium eius fuisse narratur, et tamen vir tantarum divitiarum mirae fuit continentiae. Cuius unum virtutis exemplum comperi, quod omni quadragesimali tempore, semper altero die intermisso, iussit se verberibus a quodam suo affligi presbytero. More Attributions: Adam visited the Danish court during the reign of the well-informed monarch Svend Estridsson (1047-1076), and writes that the king "spoke of an island (or country) in that ocean discovered by many, which is called Vinland, because of the wild grapes [vites] that grow there, out of which a very good wine can be made. Moreover, that grain unsown grows there abundantly [fruges ibi non seminatas abundare] '
My Note: The Grapes they refer to are probably non other than Huckleberries, Partridgeberries, Cloudberries, Cranberries, Raspberries and Currant that grow wild along the rivers, all of which make good wine. JJ iSmoking gun. Qui Latitudinum means 50 degrees latitude! I nailed it. This suggests that the main settlement was futher south than L'Anse Aux Meadows and several candidate sites immediately pop up. I place my bets Vinland is the one with the pin because it has a sheltered estuary with probably salmon and a lake headed fresh water river. Both sites are at 50 degrees latitude. Another possibility is on the West side of the Peninsula where the lake drains into the ocean. A couple of good sites for Viking Boats.
Near the park there are several good haul out sites and available land for ssettlement. I would pick Sops Arm behind George's Island for shelter from storms on the sea and a nice bay to moor in. Another is the Estuary in the park of two drainages which almost certainly had salmon but Natives might have already occupied this site.
A map to accompany the document as any navigator would know, would be top secret classified information which any Empire Seeking Explorers would keep close to the chest, the Pope's chest to be sure who would have requested such in any case. It would be in the Churches of Greenland where all the hubub of discovery would boil over and blessing would be bestowed upon the explorers and settlers. A very interesting hint in this story was the fact that Lief Eiricksson the Lucky, went to be converted to Christianity from his Aesir religion in Norway in 999 or 1001 and was charged by the church to bring Christianity to the Settlers in Greenland, and this was also around the time of the supposed settlement of Newfoundland. However, he didn't honor his conversion though his wife did, and she had a church built in Greenland. Lief was the first Viking Explorer of Labrador and further south. His brother Thorvald explored the New World Coast between 1001 to 1003 and he would have almost certainly drawn a sketch map of the Coastline to aid with navigation, location of hazards with depth soundings in suitable bays recorded and to aid rediscovery and the return trips to Greenland and L'Anse Aux Meadows. Lief built the Settlement Huts at L'Anse Aux Meaddows and he offered their use to Thorfinnr Karlsefni when he went there with 150 people to start a settlement between 1003 and 1015. He would of course have had men on board who knew the location and they would have relied upon the elevation of the pole star to find it again or the height of the sun. The Norse were latitude sailors and might have known the value of keeping a record. On those records would probably have been the angle of the Sun or Polaris, to record latitude. The latitude of Home, L'Anse Aux Meadows, 51-52 degrees, and the Furthest south reached would have been recorded on that map, Death comes quickly to those on the ocean who forget the location of hazards and home. They may also have carved it on a paddle or shield or some such thing. I read somewhere that one of the wives of the Vinland settlers at L'Anse Aux Meadows Newfoundland had in fact travelled to have council with the Pope. Now what possible purpose would that have served, and what information would she have given him? A secret map might be one item with Polaris's or sun angles and dates, Thorvald's and others detailed Charts, along with drawings of every minute detail of life there, conditions, resources of furs, fish, forest and minerals, and the Skraelings dress, weapons and customs. Possibly a Viking Book? Europe was keenly interested in furs at this time because the Finnish Fur Traders were depleting the Continent at an alarming pace. There were also Marine Traders and among them a possible Cartographer, who visited the Greenland settlement. He was a Sicilian geographer al-Idrisi, who in Nuzhat al-Mushtaq, describes what could be taken for Eskimos to trade for Ivory, and of course an alternate purpose in going to trade in Greenland might have been to map the coast of Vinland which would be of profound interest to Traders. Admiral Piri Reis capture this map from one of C olumbus's Ships and it was probablyh obtained from Jesuits who had close connections to the Vatican and it would have been top secret at that time. It includes the New World so Columbus ventured into known territory but not adequatrely mapped as it turnedout. This map is proof he had a travel guide courtesy of Bishops-Vatican-Jesuits and p Leif Ericksons Wife in Greenland.
Timber was in high demand in the Mediterranean region at that time and he would have heard of it from the Norse at Greenland and been tasked to assess the availability. The Cod stocks were impossible to ignore as were the colonies of easy to kill and catch Great Auks. There was also a Portuguese Navigator with the Eunuch Chinese Fleet when it went on its World Excursion and its quite likely that he ended up with a collection that most likely also found its way to the Vatican, at least if not in fact, then copy. They became quite an Imperial Naval Empire shortly after those sailings. So how would Columbus get a map if one existed? He met with Monks who had direct connections with the Pope in the Mediterranean before departure, and of course they would have conveyed the wishes of the Pope at that time to him and possibly a chart. So I wondered why he never went further north in a broader survey in his explorations and one reason possibly is that it had already been mapped and he had privy to such map and it was no good discovering what had already been discovered. Another reason was that he might have wanted to avoid the heavy seas of the North Atlantic. Circumstantial to be sure, but too juicy to be cast away willy nilly. The question is, does such a document still exist in the Vatican in a special secret stash, or a Portuguese archive, or a Bishop's secret stash in Bremen. I believe he did and such a map exists, because he did not venture further north and the Vatican's involvement in Greenland was just too juicy an opportunity to ignore. Keep in mind that the penalty in those days for leaking a map was death. Today we get nailed with copyright violations, but it was the axe in those days! Talk about rediscovering the Wheel. I typed Mappa Vinland and got the Vinland Map. Incredible. Might be a forgery however, but is starting to look genuine. Carbon 14 dating puts the document before Columbus's voyages. If it was a Norse map, or Germanic, I think the Baltic would be more accurate because they were very involved in trade in that region. Vinland Vikings would have positioned Canada's coastline more accurate in relation to Greenland. If it was a Chinese map they would have known about longitude and South Africa and had accurate charting of Asia which is not the case. That narrows this map down considerably as to source. Italy seems accurately portrayed. The script should narrow the field. Adam mentions a Mappa terre Saxonie. Thats one I want to see and the one in the Vatican archives if it exists. Obviously, Adam used maps! Wonderful news to further the quest. Ottoman Turk Naval Admiral, accomplished Cartographer and pirate, Piri Reis made a World Map in early 1500's and he used all available maps of the time period and Colombus's Maps acquired from a ship which had a sailor on board who had been to the New World with Colombus and maps of the New World. That reference collection is an enormous treasure if it still exists. Here is the citation from the Piri Reis Map of the Columbus story on the Map Legend. He was called Colombo at that time. Here is what Piri Reis tells us in a long legend on the map itself: These coasts are calledtheshoresofAntilia.Theywerediscoveredintheyear896oftheMuslimera[AD1490]. It is reported that a Genoese called Colombo was the first to discover these territories. It is said that a book came into his hands which stated that at the end of the Western Sea, on its western side, were coasts and islands and different kinds of metals and precious gems. This man, having studied the book thoroughly, explained these things one by one to the great men of Genoa and said: "Give me two ships and I will go and find these regions!" "O foolish man" they said, "in the West there is nothing to be found but the end and limit of the world! It is full of darkness" The said Colombo saw there was no help to be had from the Genoese so he went to the king of Spain and told him his story in detail. The king gave him the same answer as the Genoese. At last, after Colombo had been very insistent, the king gave him two ships, equipped them well, and said:"OColombo,ifwhatyousayistrue,Iwillmakeyouadmiraloverthatcountry!'Having said this, he sent the said Colombo to the Western Sea.
My question is, is this a book he got from the Vatican, the one supplied by Vikings, and did it have a chart associated with it? I think the story is heating up. What book was that? Therein lies the story I have been chasing. Thank you thank you thank you Piri Reis for including that reference on your Chart and I am so sorry you ended up getting beheaded when in your 90's because you wanted to protect your treasures, but your Arabic medieval scholarship has unlocked a mystery. What started out as pure supposition in my mind some years ago is now looking feasible and suggesting that history has been knowingly falsified. It would seem that the history we have been taught as kids in school is not quite right. What did he do with that (Viking?) book I wonder? Probably had it on his shelves the rest of his life. I would hazard a guess that my research here has probably made that book the most valuable book in the World right now. Jormawankenobe Copyright 2009. J. Jyrkkanen. All rights reserved.(except images)

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